
The item type of the item ๐Ÿ˜…. This is required.


material: STONE

This is the usage for a regular material. If you want to take a look at all of the regular material see

[head] base64_value

To get the Base64 head value you need to go to and choose a custom head and then copy value from the bottom of the page.

[username] player_name

You can use this to show a player head by username, this accepts PlaceholderAPI placeholders.


This will put your head.

[ItemsAdder] (namespaceid:id)

You can put here a custom item from ItemsAdder! NOTE: You can use only the id if you would like!

To make an item disappear but still execute its commands when clicked, simply set its material to "air".


This is where the item will be placed in the inventory.


slot: 1

This will place the item only on one slot

slots: - 1 - 2

This will place the item on multiple slots. You can reduce the size of the list on one line, using the yaml sytanx of lists, here is an example: [1,2,3,4,5,6]

slot: 1-4

This is a slot range and it will place the item on the slot 1 to slot 4.

slot: -1

This is the filler slot (It will fill the container)

If you are placing two or more items on the same slot they will have a nice animation.

Please note that the item slot should not be grater then the size.

Display Name

The item name, if you don't put any display name the item will take the default name.

# Example 1
display_name: "&cExample"
# Example 2
display_name: "<gradient:#ffffff-#000000>Example</gradient>"
# Example for an item with no name
display_name: "&r"


You can add lore to any items you like by using this

# Example 1
  - ""
  - "&7Example"
# Example 2
lore: ["a", "b"]

CustomModelData (1.13+)

Set custommodeldata value to any number you want

data: 1001

Item Amount

Set how many item you want to be displayed

amount: 64

Item Damage

You can set item damage (For tools and armor)

damage: 1


You can use this to make your item enchantment glint

glow: true/false


Make this true if you would like the item to update its lore/name

update: true

Armor Color

You can set an leather armor color using this (For leather armor)

The format is RED:GREEN:BLUE

armor_color: R:G:B

View Requirement

You can place some requirements for the item to be showned in the inventory:


Click Commands

Last updated